Benefits to Startups

  Physical Facilities

Furnished office space- coworking and cabin options are available; personal computers (CYOD), telecom facility, internet connectivity, multi-function printer, conference room equipped with projection and tele-presence facilities along with pantry and library resources.

  Fund Raising

Facilitates applications for grants from government bodies or corporate venture entities. May also consider providing grant, seed fund/ soft loan subject to the availability of funds/ grants/ schemes meant for the same. The startups will be supported through connections with potential investors for fundraising.

  Technical Support

Helps innovators/startups in the areas of legal services including - IP Protection, patent filing, registration of trademarks, and copyrights etc. along with support in accounting and company secretarial services.

  Labs & Workshops

Facilitates the incubatee innovators/startups to access the laboratories and other resources of the university for their development purposes. Incubatees can perform development-related activities at the laboratories.

  Experts & Mentors

Facilitates access to experts and mentors from various functional domains and diverse industries. This is to enable the innovators/startups to seek inputs and advice on their ventures and the challenges being faced.

  Industry Connect

Meetings of innovators/startups with leaders from industries are organised regularly by ACIC-BMU. Connect with ecosystem players like Investors, successful entrepreneurs, service providers is provided to the startups.

For Startup Incubation

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